Abbott Elementary season 4 episode 19 spoilers: ‘Music Class’

Abbott Elementary season 4
Photo: ABC

Next week on Abbott Elementary season 4 episode 19, you are going to have a chance to see a story titled “Music Class.” So what is the overall story going to be here?

Well, the first thing that we should say here is that music class, at least when you are a kid, is one of the craziest experiences possible. So much noise! This is without even thinking about what it could be for some of the teachers involved. We do think that this is one of those episodes that could offer some sort of peek behind the curtain, while also allowing us to have a really incredible time simultaneously.

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Below, you can take a look at the full Abbott Elementary season 4 episode 19 with more insight on what lies ahead:

Barbara and Gregory are in over their heads when they find themselves in new roles at Abbott Elementary.

Now, here is where we should note that we are getting closer and closer to the end of the season but at the same time, we are not entirely done yet. There are a few more installments left, and that includes an opportunity to have an Ava Fest again. Who doesn’t love that?

The most relaxing thing, of course, is just knowing in advance that there is a season 5, and that is not something that you have to sit back and worry about at all. You can instead just dive head-first into the stories that presented the rest of the way — and of course there’s a chance that there will be a cliffhanger at the end. Or, as much of one as you really can expect within a show like this.

What do you most want to see moving into Abbott Elementary season 4 episode 19 when it airs?

How much of your own music-class experiences are you thinking about as we get a little bit closer to the end here? Share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back to get some other updates down the road.

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