Survivor 48 episode 4: Who is in the most danger?

Survivor 48
Photo: CBS

As we prepare to see Survivor 48 episode 4 on CBS this week, now does feel like high time to talk danger. Who should you worry about the most?

Obviously, the first thing that you have to recall is that a tribe swap is coming and that does make things harder to predict. Yet, you can easily say that the remaining three people on the tribe in Sai, Mary, and Cedrek are all going to be in a certain measure of danger. Unless they all end up on a swapped tribe together (unlikely), they will be in immediate danger for those looking for an easy vote.

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However, is the “easy vote” always the likely one? This is where you have to remember that Charity and Star were seemingly in danger on the original Civa and Lagi tribes. Because of that, you can argue that it makes the most sense to just target and try to take one of them out almost right away.

Here is the most fascinating situation

Let’s say that someone like Joe at Lagi or David at Civa ends up being swapped into a tribe where they are the minority. Even if they are physical assets, are they threats to take out simply because they will be dangerous later on? This is a tradition that stems back to the very first time that we saw a tribe swap all the way back in Survivor: Africa.

In general, the people who are often the best at swaps are those who are malleable. Do not try to be a leader, or stick out like a sore thumb. Try to get as many people on your side as possible. Give information from your past situation, but also don’t try and share too much.

Related Who is in the best spot heading into the next Survivor episode?

Who do you think is in the most danger heading into Survivor 48 episode 4?

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