Grey’s Anatomy season 21 episode 11 spoilers: A scavenger hunt

Grey's Anatomy season 21
Photo: ABC

Want to learn a little more about Grey’s Anatomy season 21 episode 11? Well, the medical drama is poised to return next week, and with a story titled “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.” Yes, this is yet another song-title reference for the ABC series, but we’re sure that there is a method to the madness here.

As for what the story is going to be here, of course there are going to be some emotional stories here from start to finish … but also a little silliness? Well, one of the central parts of the story here is going to be about a scavenger hunt — which on paper seems like a good time. However, the reality here is that with things like this, you do have to wonder if there is going to be a dark turn at some point in here.

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Below, you can see the full Grey’s Anatomy season 21 episode 11 synopsis, which of course offers up more on what lies ahead here:

Following a difficult case, the team faces the complexities of medical ethics. Meanwhile, Bailey continues to navigate her working relationship with Ben, while a group of college students on a scavenger hunt causes chaos around the hospital.

Of course, the Bailey / Ben plotline is complicated for so many reasons. Sure, they have worked together prior to him joining Station 19 and they may be used to a power dynamic, but that does not always make it easy. You do have to think that there is going to be some significant shifts for a lot of characters in general.

Is Meredith going to be a part of this story?

Well, she’s not mentioned in here and with that in mind, we’ll just have to wonder. Yet, she is not gone from the show altogether, so there is no reason to worry.

Related Learn more now about what’s ahead for Meredith Grey on Grey’s Anatomy

What do you most want to see moving into Grey’s Anatomy season 21 episode 11 when it arrives?

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