Grey’s Anatomy season 21 episode 10: More Meredith vs. Webber?

Grey's Anatomy season 21
Photo: ABC

When Grey’s Anatomy season 21 episode 10 airs next week on ABC, it certainly seems as though conflict will be around every corner. Not only that, but it also is clear who will be at the center of it — think along the lines here of Meredith Grey and Richard Webber.

Is the tension between the two ever going to settle down? We may want that to happen, but we’re also realists and are aware of the idea that Richard feels intent on holding a grudge for a little while over the whole Catherine saga.

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If you head over to the link here now, you can see a full preview for what lies ahead, though it may also cause you to let out a pretty-hefty groan. After all, we are bearing witness to a situation where Meredith was between a rock and a hard place. She did not disclose Catherine’s condition to him because it was her duty to keep it secret as a doctor; yet, he is holding this as some enormous personal slight.

There is an actual imperative for the two to move past this, mostly in that there is a patient that requires some of the best doctors and surgeons that the Grey Sloan has to offer. If Richard does not want to work with Meredith, doesn’t this make the whole situation a million times worse?

Honestly, we just want all of this to be over by the end of the season. Heck, you can make the argument that it has gone on for far too long as it is. We only have Meredith around for so many episodes a season and with that, it feels like a waste to focus so much on this.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Grey’s Anatomy now, including what else is coming up

What do you want to see moving into Grey’s Anatomy season 21 episode 10 when it airs?

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