Miss Scarlet season 6: Is it renewed, canceled at PBS?

Miss Scarlet season 5
Photo: PBS

Given that tonight serves as the Miss Scarlet season 5 finale on PBS, what better time is there to discuss season 6?

If you are hoping to get more of the series, the natural starting-off point here is simply saying that we hardly blame you! This show has proven to be successful in both America and the UK, and it was also able to manage a successful change insofar as the cast goes. Losing the Duke was tough, but Inspector Blake has proven to be a great addition and/or potential love interest. It certainly feels like there are more adventures ahead for Eliza.

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So with all of this spelled out, the unfortunate news is that a Miss Scarlet season 6 has not been formally confirmed, at least not yet. We have plenty of reasons to think that the show is going to return but at the same time, we know to not take all that much for granted since anything can chance at the drop of a hat. The most important thing we can say right now is if you love this show, keep watching and/or telling your friends! This is one of those series that could be infinitely more popular, but it is hard given that it airs on a place that does not have much of a promotional budget.

Now, provided that a season 6 does happen and our initial prognoses are correct, our general sentiment is that we are going to see it premiere at some point moving into either winter or spring 2026. The great thing about a series like this is that it doesn’t take a ton of time to make — not only that, but from there it only does so many episodes a season. The turnaround time here is hardly something crazy.

Do you want to see a Miss Scarlet season 6 renewal happen at PBS?

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