High Potential season 1 episode 9 spoilers: Baseball & bombshells

High Potential season 1
Photo: ABC

Want to learn a little bit more about High Potential season 1 episode 9? Well, we tend to think the stage is set for some big stuff! We know that the season is only 13 episodes long and because of that, the story is only going to escalate from here on out. The home stretch is here!

So while we know that there is probably going to be a larger, high-stakes story when we get closer to the finale, we also do not think that we are there as of yet.

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So what are we getting as we move forward? Think in terms of a story about baseball, about some personal reveals, and a lot of other good stuff sprinkled in here. Below, you can check out the full High Potential season 1 episode 9 synopsis with other information all about what is coming:

A famous baseball newscaster is murdered, and the team is on the case. Meanwhile, Soto and Morgan meet with a potential lead to discuss Roman’s disappearance, and Tom has some personal news to share with Morgan.

Tonally, one of the great things about this show is that we’re going to see a mixture of different elements and ideas. This is a show that loves to keep you on your toes — there are going to laugh here and there, but you are also invested in these characters! You want to be invested in what happens to them every single step of the way.

As for the murder here in particular, we tend to think the big challenge here will be tied largely to the fact that we are dealing with a public figure. By virtue of that, isn’t there going to be more attention paid to the case? Couldn’t that lead to a number of roadblocks for Morgan and everyone else working the case as of right now?

What do you most want to see moving into High Potential season 1 episode 9 when it arrives?

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