The Way Home season 3: Who put the baby by the pond?

We know that The Way Home is a show that loves its mysteries and at present, we’ve got one that is pretty darn good. Who put the baby by the pond?
If you watched the premiere closely, then you know that this is a moment that turned up at the very start start of the episode. It is clearly something that we are of course interested in getting an answer to, but that does not mean that the show is going to rush its way towards giving us an answer.
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After all, all present indicators are that this is something that we are going to be stuck waiting a long time to see. Speaking to Variety, executive producer Heather Conkie had the following to say about it:
We can confidently say that it is kind of a driver, but we often put something at the beginning that will drive us into another season. We’re tricky that way.
In other words, this baby is not the sort of thing that the writers are looking to present an answer to at any point in the near future. A great deal of patience is going to be required here, especially since there are some mysteries that could be a little more pressing in the short-term. Take, for example, who is responsible for pushing Alice in the pond. This was the big, super-dramatic moment at the end of the premiere, and we absolutely think that it is going to be a big-time driver for a lot of the great stuff that you end up seeing over the next few episodes.
Let’s just cross our fingers in the end here that Hallmark is looking to give the Chyler Leigh series another season. All things considered, why wouldn’t they want that?
Related – Be sure to learn more about The Way Home and what is coming up next
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