‘Royal Pains’ season 5 spoilers: Can HankMed keep their office together?
During the “Royal Pains” season 5 premiere this past week, Evan clearly thought that he was doing a great thing by helping out one of the most powerful women in the Hamptons with a medical issue. The problem? She in turn potentially handed HankMed a death blow, by revealing to them that having a small-stage medical facility in their home was against local zoning laws, and for the good of the neighborhood, they were going to have to shut it down.
If there is any one thing that you’ve learned about Hank and Evan Lawson, though, it’s that in addition to having some of the perfect Hamptons-approved fashion, they don’t give up this easily. Therefore, the group comes up with what they feel is a pretty innovative way to try to convince much of the community to get behind them and their residence. Expect to see a couple of characters really working on their social skills.
While saving HankMed is going to be a priority this week, there is also another option in this episode Wednesday that presents itself very quickly to our doctors. Don’t expect the story about the company’s future to be tied up this week, as it is something that could be debated much of the rest of the season. Not only that, but this same story could also open up some opportunities for character development.
We’ve already caught Wednesday’s episode, and if you like everything that the premiere brought you, you’re sure to be even happier.
If you want to check out the full preview for Tuesday night’s “Royal Pains,” watch the promo below! Also, click here if you want to read some more scoop about what is coming up for Divya in the wake of her pregnancy shocker.
Photo: USA