Virgin River season 7 spoilers: Mel, Jack honeymoon ahead?

We know that entering Virgin River season 7 that Mel and Jack are now married — by virtue of that, a cliffhanger makes sense!
So are we going to have a chance to see that within the relatively near future? Let’s just say that by some measures, the jury may still be out on that. It could be an opportunity to see Alexandra Breckenridge and Martin Henderson’s characters have some fun, and you could also consider it in a lot of ways to be a calm before the potential storm.
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Yet, there are some challenges that come along with it, including that the show films mostly in Vancouver and it may be hard to get a cast and crew somewhere else to shoot these sort of scenes. For now, here is some of what showrunner Patrick Sean Smith had to say on the subject to The Hollywood Reporter:
I would say potentially, yes. It’s definitely on the forefront of our minds. It definitely feels like something that the audience would want to experience with them. In what form still remains to be seen, but it’s definitely on the radar. They might end up having to go to Vancouver for it. (Laughs) If they just travel up north from northern California to Vancouver, we’ll figure it out.
Obviously, there are some other storylines that Virgin River will be tackling early on in season 7, whether it be adoption or what is happening in regards to Charmaine. After all, it feels like that character is very much in danger, and that is something that you 100% cannot ignore.
No matter what happens here, we do remain confident that the next chapter of the story will be filled with the same drama and romance that you have come to expect. This show knows what it is, and we hardly think that this is a bad thing.
Related – See more teases now regarding Virgin River season 7, including a tease from Breckenridge
Do you think we are going to see some sort of honeymoon sequence within Virgin River season 7?
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