Survivor 47 episode 13: Andy Rueda blindsided; Rachel plays idol

Survivor 47 episode 13 served as the first part of a two-week finale event, and we knew in advance that it would be fiercely entertaining. Would it top Operation Italy? That was a hard thing to imagine, but the best thing about this game is what happens when the tables turn.
Pretty early on tonight, it felt clear that we were going to be seeing Rachel become the big target; however, at the same time, she had an immunity idol … and she also made it abundantly clear that she was going to be using it. This is why it is so smart to not tell anyone that you have an idol! Sure, Sue knows, but she has no real reason to share that with other people.
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Andy made some great moves throughout the season, but his fatal flaw was abundantly clear tonight: Overconfidence. He never imagined that Rachel had an idol and because of that, he basically spilled his entire game to her.
What made this entire sequence all the more hilarious is that more than likely, the producers knew going into Tribal Council what was going to happen; from there, the crew of Andy, Genevieve, Sam, and even Teeny continued to make themselves very silly. Nobody saw this coming and because Andy proved to her how much of a good player he was, she made the big move to take him out. One great move and then another … what a great setup for the endgame of this season, no?
As for Andy, he was a flawed player in the end for sure, but one of the stars of the season. Out of the final six, we are the most confident when it comes to his ability to come back for another season.
As for Rachel, she definitely put a bigger target on her back after this. We’ll see if she can make it through.
What do you most want to see moving into Survivor 47 episode 13?
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