Last Week Tonight with John Oliver season 12 premiere date hopes

Given that tonight does mark the season 11 finale for Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, what better time to discuss season 12?
Well, the first order of business to note here is honestly rather simple, as there is 100% going to be another batch of episodes coming to HBO. We would be surprised if the show ends up doing anything different than the 30 episodes we’ve grown accustomed to every year, and it also appears as though it is planning to stick to the same schedule.
After all, the network has already confirmed that Last Week Tonight with John Oliver will 100% return in February, meaning that by the time the series returns, we are likely going to be looking at a rather different world from the one we’re in right now. That may not impact the style or format of the show, but it certainly could the ones that they cover.
Now, does the series need to shake things up at all moving into the new season? That is largely a matter of opinion, though we will say that for us personally, it is our hope that we continue to see a number of international topics discussed in season 12. Those are the ones we have a tendency to see less of in the media, and there is a part of us that certainly appreciates learning something from this show. Now, we do understand that this is a comedy overall, but there is something quite nice about getting to learn something through a number of the stories we get an opportunity to see.
This show is a light for so many people, even when it is dark or covers some hard subjects. Hopefully, that is something that will not be going anywhere in the near future. We know that, at the very least, Last Week Tonight has been renewed through season 13, meaning the end of 2026.
What do you most want to see moving into Last Week Tonight with John Oliver season 12 at HBO?
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