Survivor 47 episode 9: Sol Yi voted out at chaotic Tribal Council

Sometimes with Survivor, we don’t think that the show is all that complicated — you just go ahead and get out the biggest threat. The moment that Kyle was vulnerable, you go ahead and get rid of him. Why wait?
After all, let’s just list off all the reasons: He’s a really nice guy, he’s likable, and he could win almost any immunity challenge thrown in front of him. He doesn’t seem to actually let anything get to him. You don’t want someone like that around near the end of the season!
The moment that Gabe actually beat Kyle in the final stage of immunity, we honestly thought that this entire elimination was said and done. Yet, this episode was an instance of people making things more complicated than they needed it to be. Genevieve, for example, still wanted to get revenge on Sol for targeting Rome, even though Sol had every reason in the world to want Rome gone. Sure, we do get her idea that if Sol isn’t in her endgame plans, you have to get rid of him at some point … but why now?
Still, we did see Genevieve start to get numbers after the immunity, but her problem was that Andy, Rachel, Sam, and Caroline were all off on a journey — one where Caroline lost her vote. There was no guarantee that they would be on board. As a matter of fact, Rachel telling Sam about the Sol plan after she learned about it ended up causing a mess. Sol found out and from there, he and Sam tried to target Sue. Then, once Genevieve learned that Sol found out, the plan started to shift over to Kyle.
Who was voted out?
At Tribal, it felt like nobody still had an idea what was going to happen. There was talking and whispering galore, and we just wanted to shake these people and just say to get rid of Kyle, even though Sue is a huge threat in her own right on a social level. The biggest threat actually may be Genevieve, mostly because we’ve seen her have the best capacity to make moves.
When the votes came in, what we ultimately saw here was an instance of Sol leaving the game. So, for all that chaos, it was an easier vote in the end. Somehow, Kyle stayed!
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