Poppa’s House season 1 episode 5 return date at CBS

Following what you see tonight on CBS, do you want a Poppa’s House season 1 episode 5 return date? Are we set for a long hiatus?
Well, the first thing that we should go ahead and note is that anytime you have a brief for a new show, there is an inherent risk baked into that. After all, you have to worry about whether or not viewers will come back, and if you have had enough time to get them hooked. We know that this show in particular is a labor of love for Damon Wayans and Damon Wayans Jr., and there is a chance that this father-son dynamic will enough in order to keep people interested.
The other thing that may be helpful here? Well, that’s rather simple: This is not an extremely long hiatus at all. While the series is going to be off the air next week, the plan for now is for it to return on Monday, November 25 with a story titled “Disciplinarian.” Meanwhile, there is another episode set titled “Family Photo” for early December.
Is it nice to have some of this information in advance? Absolutely, but this is where we do issue a reminder that it would also be pretty helpful in the event that there was actually something more said when it comes to what sort of stories are coming up. After all, with a brand-new series you want to ensure that you give people as many different reasons as possible to watch, and we are not exactly sure that the folks at CBS have done that, at least not as of right now.
If you do want to see more of the show…
Well, the simplest thing that we can say is watch live. After all, that is the best way to ensure that CBS knows that you are interested … and that there is also some sort of significant ad revenue.
What do you most want to see entering Poppa’s House season 1 episode 5?
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