9-1-1 season 8 episode 7 spoilers: After Eddie’s dance number…

If there is one thing we can say entering 9-1-1 season 8 episode 7, it is that Ryan Guzman will have a hard time topping his dance number. Who expected that we would be seeing an homage to Risky Business over the course of the hour? It was shocking and yet, at the same time so fun as a representation of where his character Eddie now is after a lot of dark stuff over the past season or so.
Does all of this meant that Eddie is suddenly about to be in a good place? We do not want to sit here and say that he is 100% out of the woods entirely. However, at the same time, we do tend to think that there are some positive things ahead and he is going to work to put some events in motion.
If you do want to get more details on that now, go ahead and check out what showrunner Tim Minear had to say to TV Insider:
I think it’s loosening up a little bit and figuring out how to repair his relationship with his son and stop living in so much survivor’s guilt. I think Eddie has a tremendous amount of survivor’s guilt. I mean, you think Bobby does? I think Eddie does, too, from his military service to the fact that the mother of his kid passed away and he couldn’t prevent that from happening. I think he’s got a tremendous amount of survivor’s guilt. I think he needs to get past that in order to live in joy, which we know he can, because the guy can bust the moves.
Of course, characters on 9-1-1 are never going to be separated from the drama for long, so that is something that we more than expect to be a focus in some shape or form. Whether or not it directly impacts Eddie, though, remains to be seen.
Related – Be sure to get some more news entering the next 9-1-1 episode
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.