Is Rudy Pankow leaving Outer Banks; is JJ Maybank really dead?

Is Rudy Pankow leaving Outer Banks following the release of season 4 part 2 today on Netflix? Let’s just say that we were surprised by how the story wrapped up today — how could we not be? The escapist show went into fairly dark territory within the final episodes of this season, only to then deliver what is arguably the most shocking moment of its entire run.
At the end of the season, JJ faces off against his biological father Chandler in order to protect the Pogues and the people he loves. The character had always been thought of as loyal and for that reason, the idea of him sacrificing his life to protect others is hardly a surprise. The fact that it happened at this point is. JJ is dead.
Speaking to Tudum, Panknow himself reflected on his character’s ending, and also the way in which he loved:
“For JJ, he has to judge every moment in his life, if it’s worth it [to take the risk], and I think it’s constantly, yeah, it is for him … Even throughout the pain and the suffering and the struggles for JJ, it’s worth it for him to go to that length. He lives his life to the utmost fullest, and I don’t think he regrets any part of it.”
Meanwhile, co-creator Josh Pate indicated that there is a very important reason why the death needed to happen as of right now:
“It was a really hard decision because he’s such a great piece of the ensemble … It sets the stage for an epic fifth and final season. We’re planning a story of redemption, and a season that embodies the friendship that JJ had come to represent. JJ’s death was a hard but necessary piece of the architecture for the story, and we plan on honoring that as much as we can because we love the character as much as the fans do. And Rudy’s a great friend of ours.”
It is understandable if you are sad after what happened — just know some hope is coming, and season 5 will be a chance to honor the character further.
Related – When is season 5 of Outer Banks going to premiere?
Are you shocked by JJ’s death on Outer Banks season 4 part 2?
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