The Conners season 7 premiere date: November 2024 update

Is there a chance that we’re going to be hearing more news about The Conners season 7 between now and the end of November? Well, we certainly do think there is a lot to think about as we prepare for what is set to be the final chapter of the series.
First and foremost, let’s go ahead and note here that this season is hardly going to be extensive. There are just six episodes, which means that a lot is going to be crammed into a pretty short amount of time. It also means that ABC could be pretty flexible as to precisely when a lot of these episodes end up airing. There is no premiere date out there yet, but we do think there is a small chance that something more is going to be revealed over the course of the next few weeks.
In the end, a lot is going to depend here on when ABC actually wants to put the sitcom back on the air. If they want to bring it around in January, there is a pretty-good chance that we’re going to get some more substantial news between now and the end of November. However, if they want to hold off until the spring, there is a reasonably-good chance that they are going to make us wait a little bit longer.
The case for holding off on airing this show until spring is really not that complicated — if you are ABC, you may see an opportunity here to put the show on during the important May sweeps ratings period, and you can make a big event out of the series finale. Then again, you also have to hope that the long wait does not hurt it in the numbers.
Related – See some more news on The Conners now, including whatever the future could hold
What do you most want to see moving into The Conners season 7?
How do you think that the show is going to wrap up? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are some other updates coming.