Fire Country season 3 episode 2: What’s next for Gabriela, Diego?

Fire Country season 3
Photo: CBS

There is absolutely a lot that Fire Country season 3 episode 2 needs to resolve following that big premiere cliffhanger.

After all, the wedding appears to be off … right? That feels clear based on what Gabriela told Diego, as she also indicated that she kissed Bode leading up to the wedding. The two need to have a lot of conversations about their future … if there even is one. There’s just a problem for the immediate future — there are a lot of other priorities that they have to deal with.

Speaking to TV Guide, executive producer Tia Napolitano made it abundantly clear that, at least at the start of episode 2, there are going to be other priorities that keep the characters busy:

They have to focus on the fire. You see Diego do it in this episode. He suspects things and he has to help a firefighter who is injured and get into the firefighting of it. I think first responders and our characters, once that alarm goes, or once that fire happens, they put the personal aside and just make that shift. It’s a really tough part of the job.

Now, will there be a hard conversation at the end of the episode? For the time being, we certainly think that this is necessary, mostly because this is not one of those stories that really cannot linger. If it does, it’s really not that good for anyone. Also, if Diego is not the one for Gabriela, it is better he knows now so that there is a way for him to properly move on and figure out what he wants from his own future.

It is important to also remember this: Even if Diego and Gabriela are done, that does not mean that she and Bode are about to become a thing. There are a lot of different ways that this story could end up progressing.

Related Learn more about what is ahead entering this Fire Country episode

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