Pachinko season 2 episode 8 spoilers: An emotional finale

Pachinko season 2 key art
Photo: Apple TV+

As you prepare to see Pachinko season 2 episode 8 on apple TV+ next week, there is one takeaway here that is obvious: The end is almost here. This is the finale, and you have to think there are going to be a ton of emotional moments as a result.

So what are some of these moments going to look like? Well, there are going to be some huge revelations — some of them may be out of characters’ control, whereas with others, they may be able to directly determine the path to the future. The idea of this in general is exciting, but we are left to wonder if there are going to be some cliffhangers that emerge…

Below, you can see the full Pachinko season 2 episode 8 synopsis with some other updates on what is ahead:

Season finale. Noa uncovers a devastating truth. Solomon learns of an old enemy’s fate. Sunja must decide between her past and her future.

So is this going to be the end of the season, or the series itself?

For the time being, let’s just say that everything is still a little bit unclear. We do think there’s at least a chance of something more being announced, but it will all be based on viewership. The good news here is that Pachinko is a critical darling and it has a fanbase that loves and embraces this material. However, the bad news is that the viewership for the show is hardly at the level of some of the other Apple TV+ hits. This is what makes it a bubble series and if you do want to see more of it, the best way to make that happen is to spread the word to as many people as you can! This is not a decision that Apple will likely make immediately, so you do have some time.

What do you most want to see moving into Pachinko season 2 episode 8?

How do you think that the finale is going to wrap up? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for some other updates.

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