Community movie: Yvette Nicole Brown offers update

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We understand that the feels like we have been waiting forever to see the Community movie come together — and 100%, we are still waiting. While we know that several original cast members, including Yvette Nicole Brown and Donald Glover (who left before the show concluded), are on board, filming has yet to take place. That will need to happen before Peacock can even consider a premiere date.

So where are things at right now? Is it still a matter of getting the schedule together? It certainly appears that way.

In a new interview with The Wrap, here is some of what Brown had to say about the current state of things:

“I think it’s being reworked, but we all have read an entire, full script. So a script exists. I heard that we have the big credit in LA that gives you money to make the film. So we’re definitely going to be doing it in LA … It’s just now trying to get all these puzzle pieces together of everybody’s schedule. We were scheduled to do it, and then the strike happened … And now it’s like trying to figure out when is so-and-so done with their show? When is so-and-so done with their movie? When is so-and-so off tour? It’s all of those things that we’re trying to now get together, but it’s going to happen. We are going to do the movie, and we’re all on board to do it.”

For now, patience will be the key, but we recognize 100% that this is tough when we just want to see the Greendale gang back together! All early indications are that this movie will revolve a lot around a college reunion — and with that, we imagine that we’re going to have some significant updates as to what has been going on with these people.

Related See more on the Community movie from Donald Glover

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