Chicago Med season 10 episode 3 spoilers: An ominous message

Chicago Med season 10
Photo: NBC

As we prepare to see Chicago Med season 10 episode 3 on NBC next week, there is a wide array of stuff to be excited about.

First and foremost, though, know this: The title for the next episode is “Trust Fall,” and that suggests that we are going to see characters have to rely on each other to get through some difficult situations. Goodwin in particular could be facing a threat from an unknown source, and it could be the sort of thing that requires her to think a little bit outside the box.

Want to learn more? Then just go ahead and check out the full Chicago Med season 10 episode 3 synopsis right now — we tend to think it is a great appetizer of sorts:

10/09/2024 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Wednesday)    : Hannah treats a woman whose undiagnosed condition threatens the lives of both her and her unborn child. Goodwin receives a chilling message while battling the hospital higher-ups.

Now, let’s just hope that the end result of this case is something that does generate a lot of excitement and/or make us hope for whatever else is next. We are still in the early days of the season and because of that, it does feel pretty darn clear that a lot of personal stories for these characters are still coming. Think in particular about the likes of Dr. Frost and Dr. Lenox, given that we really do not know a whole lot about them as of yet.

With Goodwin in particular, this story could be a good reminder of why our heart goes out to her a lot of the time. We do think that she wants the best for the patients as much as she can, but she is also stuck in this difficult business ecosystem where there are people always breathing down her neck to prioritize profits.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Chicago Med right away

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