America’s Got Talent season 20 premiere date hopes at NBC

Given that tonight marks the America’s Got Talent season 19 finale, it makes perfect sense to be excited about a season 20. How can we not? The show proved this season that regardless of the outcome, there is a wide array of talent that can make it far. We know that historically singers and/or magic acts have dominated, but we saw a wider range of talent here than ever before.
Now, let’s go ahead and note that while there technically is not an official season 20 renewal as of yet, you can go ahead and consider that to be a foregone conclusion. How can you not? The ratings for the NBC show continue to be incredibly strong, which leads you to believe that there is no cause for concern here. It honestly just feels like this is one of those series that could conceivably be on the air forever, or at least however long the producers and/or certain judges want to stay involved.
Just like there is no real drama when it comes to an America’s Got Talent season 20 renewal, there should not be much debating when it comes to a premiere date. This is a series that has long kicked off in late May or early June, and we have a hard time thinking that this is about to change here. The schedule could be slightly different next year just because there are no Olympics — that could mean more auditions or changes to the live shows.
For the next several months, the priority for AGT really has to just be making sure that you have the right assemblage of talent on board. We know that not everyone likes how international the competition has become, but we actually admire the real desire to get as much talent from all over the globe as you can. It makes things a higher quality, and also spurs some further debates.
What do you most want to see moving into America’s Got Talent season 20?
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