Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Will Chelsie evict T’kor? (day 65)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Is the eviction vote already set for tomorrow night’s Big Brother 26 live show? The more we see what’s happening in the game, the more it feels like things could go back and forth.

The good news is that so far today, we have seen T’kor campaign — she’s even spoken to Angela, who has been known to drive her crazy at times! She said some smart things to her, but we don’t think it is really going to shift things from her point of view. Really, this week comes down to what Chelsie, Cam, and Kimo all decide.

With Kimo, he’s been locked in with T’kor from day one and that part of things is easy. However, the other two are where things get tricky. Cam and Chelsie are both in the midst of a conversation where she’s trying to do her magic to get T’kor to stay. Chelsie had a bad day yesterday in the house but this afternoon, she’s far more locked-in with conversations. She made some good arguments about how T’kor is better suited for their endgame plans but at the same time, Cam knows that T’kor brought him up as a possible replacement nominee to Leah. He has legitimate trust issues and revelations.

We do think that Cam went along with what Chelsie said well in this conversation, but was it lip service or not? His issue is that if he takes out Rubina, he could lose hope of working with Angela, Leah, or Makensy. However, keeping T’kor would allow him to have Chelsie, T’kor, and Kimo to some extent. What does he value more? Also, would he still have Chelsie either way? This is actually a really tough spot for him to be in, but we honestly think it comes down to whether Cam feels like Chelsie is trying to micromanage his whole game and if he’s annoyed about that or not. She is a great player, so her own perceived threat level is a part of that.

Do we think Chelsie evicts T’kor if the numbers aren’t there? Absolutely, but she’s going to try something first.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26, including some more information about the live feeds

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