Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Chelsie’s fatal flaw? (day 64)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

For the past several weeks on Big Brother 26, we have said with full confidence that not only is Chelsie playing the best game, but it honestly hasn’t been close. She has done virtually everything that we could have wanted someone in her position to do, whether it be schmooze people at the right moments or take out big threats. She handles being Head of Household better than anyone in the game.

With all of this in mind, it’s honestly rather stunning how strange the past 48 hours have been for her, and we don’t mean that in a good way. Her biggest weakness has been exposed, and oddly, it is not that different from some other players this season.

Basically, it feels like Big Brother 26 is the Summer of the Crush. Matt got distracted by Makensy and played a terrible game. Meanwhile, Tucker running wild with his Rubina showmance amplified his target even further. Both Quinn and Joseph were blinded by their feelings towards Leah, and now, Chelsie’s biggest mistake has to do with her treatment towards Cam. She was upset about him cuddling with Makensy even before Jankie World, but the incident from the weekend (where she saw them cuddling and moved her bed) coupled with a tense conversation after the Veto Ceremony has put her in a hard spot.

All of this has done is that it has made Cam feel like she is trying to control his game, and we do think in some ways it’s a factor to him (seemingly) wanting T’kor out at this point. She is good for Chelsie’s game, but not as much for his. Meanwhile, Chelsie has barely spoken to Makensy at all since the Ceremony and that’s a big mistake when you could need her. Makensy doesn’t like how she treats Cam, and she’s confirmed that in conversations this evening. She even told Rubina tonight that putting her up as a replacement nominee would be smart!

We’re now in a strange spot in the game tonight where Chelsie is actually behind on the game, and this and the Cedric vote are really the only instances of this all season. T’kor is going to jury as of now based on where the votes are; Rubina woke up tonight and campaigned pretty hard and in a way that was super-impressive. T’kor and Chelsie, meanwhile, are a little more behind. There is still time to figure it out, but will they?

Related Get some more news now on the Big Brother 26 live feeds

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