Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Leah and Angela’s key talk

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

For most of the past 24 hours, we have been eagerly awaiting a chance to see Leah and Angela talk about Big Brother 26 this week. After all, this is an opportunity to watch someone make a huge move that could alter the course of the game!

So, is it actually going to happen? Not necessarily. Judging from the tone of the conversations we’ve seen both Leah and Angela have today, it does sound like Angela wants to save Kimo. If that happens, Leah may go ahead and nominate T’kor. However, it does not seem like she really wants to use her Jankie Veto if she is eligible to play it after the competition she will have in order to activate it.

The craziest thing is that based on Angela and Leah’s conversation, she does realize that Chelsie is a huge threat. However, it also feels like she’s too nervous to make the move — what if she stays? This is such a weird argument because of Chelsie is on the block versus any of the T’kor trio, she will go. The other two trio members plus Angela control things … unless, of course, Angela does not do what Leah wants. Angela seems to actually be the one who may have talked Leah out of making a bigger move.

So at this point, we’re leaving tonight frustrated as someone who roots for drama within the game — pretty much everyone other than Leah / Angela is going to be targeting them moving forward, and they need to be thinking of who the biggest threat is. Then again, if no big move happens this week, it is another big feather in Chelsie’s cap as one of the best people this season by a pretty wide margin.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 right now, including the feeds from earlier

What do you most want to see happen within the Big Brother 26 house tomorrow with the Veto?

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