Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Kimo’s pep-talk (day 62)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

What is going to happen today within day 62 of Big Brother 26? Well, we do think that this is going to be a pretty interesting test for a certain trio.

Has this weekend been confusing? Absolutely, thanks in part to both the central twist and then also the two Vetoes that were apparently won yesterday. Here is what we know about the Jankie Veto at this point: It apparently involves completing some sort of task / competition to activate, and Leah has to figure it out before the Golden Power of Veto is played / not played by Angela.

We’ll have plenty of time to get more into some of the Veto scenarios later but this morning, T’kor did whatever she could to encourage Kimo to fight — and yes, for some reason Kimo needs permission to actually fight for his life in the game. She encouraged him that this is the time to start throwing people under the bus and claim that Chelsie, Cam, and Makensy are also a trio that can be targeted. She told him to make a deal with Angela and Leah and even claim that if he needs to pawn T’kor next week to prove something, so be it. (Of course, that’s meant to be a lie.)

Now, here is the bad news: T’kor thinks that Cam could be a replacement nominee and that’s not happening. Leah made a deal with him at the Head of Household Competition. The only realistic way the whole trio stays here is if both Vetoes are used and T’kor and Chelsie go up instead — that’s a risk but it could be worth it. All T’kor would need are Rubina, Kimo, and Angela voting to support her. Leah realistically is not putting up Cam (as noted) or Makensy, who she’s had a relationship with off and on throughout the game.

After the past two days have been a strategic desert, here is where we hope things change.

Related See more news on Big Brother 26 from earlier

What do you think Leah should do when it comes to the Jankie Veto in Big Brother 26?

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