Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Post-nomination misery (day 60)

We are reaching the end now of day 60 in the Big Brother 26 house, otherwise known as the first full day of Jankie Week. This twist, hinted at during last night’s new episode, totally stinks and there’s no other way around it.
Is the idea of everyone having to live outside cool for a few minutes? Sure, but the novelty wears off pretty soon when you realize just how miserable everyone is and unwilling to do a lot when it comes to the game or our entertainment. Add to this the fact that the Head of Household Competition went on overnight yesterday and everyone was tired and/or especially cranky most of the time. T’kor was annoyed at Angela, Kimo didn’t even bother to talk to Leah before nominations, and we’re not entirely sure that Makensy and Cam did much of anything.
Now, Kimo and Rubina are on the block and it is still not super-clear what Leah actually wants to happen this week. Kimo is the easy person to take out, but he’s also not a threat. Leah has spoken about T’kor as a possible replacement, but does she mean it? Everyone loving T’kor remains a theme of the season and she 100% will not go home if she’s up there unless something crazy happens. Because of the silly twist, it’s hard for Leah to have any space to actually tell the truth about what she wants.
While the nominees soak in their added misery, they plus T’kor also continue to think that Chelsie has to be miserable over the nominations when in reality, this is something that she wanted. Chelsie continues to dominate the game and is getting what she wants this week given the circumstances — she can break up that trio without T’kor even being mad about it.
In the end, consider feeds today a reminder that producers care more about the air show than anything. This whole twist will probably play way better for casuals, but if the expectations was to get drama, it’s definitely not hitting.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 right now
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