Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 9 nominations

The week 9 nomination ceremony happened this week within Big Brother 26 — so what exactly did you end up seeing?
Before we even get further into that, it feels like this is the perfect instance to do exactly what many of the houseguests are doing: Complain about Jankie Week. This is one of those twists that looks good on the show because it is different visually; however, it is terrible if you are either playing the game or watching on the live feeds. Everyone is seemingly stuck outside all week, where they have to deal with the heat and being constantly around each other. (Luckily, the weather is way better than last week, but still.) The Dyre Fest comparisons here are obvious and a lot of people hated that twist.
Now, we do think that there’s a chance that Ainsley returns soon and states that this week is a disaster — and with that, it is redone. That gives the show more time for other twists entering the endgame, if they want to do something like.
As for nominations, Leah stuck to her plan and nominated Kimo and Rubina. We know that this is boring, but she didn’t have a ton of choices. If she nominated T’kor and Chelsie, she is angering both sides of the house in a way. This way she at least is trying to give herself insulation moving forward and she can still make a bigger move after Veto. It’s just hard in this environment to really make a larger strategic move with a lot of people on board. If she really wants Chelsie out, for example, she probably needs at least a few other people okay with it. She has alluded that there is a larger plan that she has, but is that lip service? She may put up T’kor as a replacement nominee but it’s hard to see her going unless everyone realizes that she is a huge social threat.
Related – See more about the Jankie Week reveal from earlier
What did you think about the Big Brother 26 nominations for the week?
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