Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Jankie World & likely nominees

A new Head of Household has been crowned within Big Brother 26, but what are they going to end up doing with the power?
Well, the first thing that we should note here is that the setting for the week is very different: Jankie World. Everyone is living outside right now like Dyre Fest in season 24, and there are already multiple complaints about the heat and the diet, which seems to consist mostly on junk food at the moment. Leah is Head of Household, as she managed to be victorious through an extremely long and difficult competition. This entire gimmick was hinted at last night with Ainsley leaving for the time being and turning things over to a lesser AI.
So what is Leah going to do with her power? Clearly at this point she’s trying to take someone out but also find a way to stay long-term — that’s why we are not shocked that she wants to nominate Kimo and Rubina. They are a dominant trio with T’kor and you have to split that up at some point. Why not just go ahead and do that now? Even though Chelsie is obviously the biggest threat, you need to do what you can to potentially have some trust with Makensy and/or Cam … even though Cam and Chelsie actually do want her gone at some point.
Truthfully, Leah isn’t in a good spot regardless. The best thing that she can do is just buy another week and hope that the house dynamics change a little bit. Also, she has to find a way to completely pry Makensy away from Chelsie, given that if those two are close, then Chelsie basically has separate bonds with T’kor, Cam, and Makensy that could take her extremely far in the game. It’s one of the reasons why she is so overwhelmingly dangerous as a player.
Related – Go ahead and get more insight on Big Brother 26, including the absence of one Julie Chen Moonvest
Who do you want to see nominated coming up on Big Brother 26?
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