Big Brother 26 spoilers: Ainsley leaves … is Zingbot coming?

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Entering tonight’s Big Brother 26 episode, we knew that Ainsley was going to reveal some sort of big twist. So, what was it?

Honestly, we don’t know if there’s anything as dramatic as the show has hyped it up to be. Apparently, Ainsley is going to be gone for a while to see the world, but a protegee is stepping in. Honestly, this just feels like a setup for Zingbot, who is going to have a role to play this week. Still, the hilarious thing about this setup was that while Ainsley was talking to the players at the end of tonight, they were hanging on every word as though they were anticipating some sort of big challenge about it later.

The episode ended with Rubina wearing her tinfoil hat, almost expect the metaphorical UFO to land with some other big news.

Really, we just tend to think that this could be an AI-modified Zingbot mostly due to this being around the time that they traditionally come into the game. They could have potentially a slightly larger role in the HoH Competition plus the Veto and that’s it.

At this point in the game, we don’t really think that there is some massive amount of enthusiasm for a twist to come into play. We have only a month left and really, it makes more sense for the emphasis to be put on the players trying to weave and navigate their way to the end. Quinn is on the jury, and we do think he’s the sort of person who will try to think somewhat with strategy in mind.

It is a shame that Quinn is gone before a potential Zingbot arrival — after all, there are SO many different things that he could’ve been hit with!

Related Go ahead and get some further information now on Big Brother 26 right now, including the absence of Julie Chen tonight

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