Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, 9/8/24?

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? We know that the series has been on a break as of late. Is all of that about to end?
Well, without further ado, let’s go ahead and share what we consider to be some great news — the late-night series is not only back, it will be airing at a rather normal time! Based on the current schedule that we’ve seen from the network, the plan is to start the next installment at 11:01 p.m. Eastern time.
So what sort of subjects will be covered here? We don’t think that this Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is necessarily out to devote itself entirely to current events, given that there has not been any earth-shattering news in the past 14 days. We’re sure that a certain amount of time will be spent on the Presidential Election but at the same time, there are more opportunities to talk about it down the road. The producers are not likely to throw every single part of it into the show right now. We tend to think that the main segment could be something a little bit more evergreen and at this point, we’re okay with that.
The important thing to note now is that we are getting into the homestretch of this season in a few different ways. The plan for this show is typically to see the finale arrive at some point in November and we don’t tend to think anything different will happen here. More than likely, we are going to get at least a couple of episodes after the election and within that, there will be some opportunities to focus on the aftermath. Odds are, this is easily going to shape however Oliver ends the year, which has involved in the past everything from salmon cannons to large explosions.
What do you most want to see moving into the next Last Week Tonight with John Oliver episode?
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