Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Angela gets to work (day 48)

As you get prepared to see tonight’s Big Brother 26 episode, why not get into the state of things before the Veto Ceremony?
For now, we should note that once again, Leah remains undecided as to what she wants to do. Well, technically we know that she would like to use the Veto and save Angela; however, there are ramifications of this that she wants to consider. She knows that Angela is not someone who is going to be going after her anytime soon and this is a way in order to forge some sort of bond.
Given that Angela still has to assume she will remain on the block, she’s done her best today to try and indicate to people that she can work with them. Take her telling Kimo that she does feel there’s some trust there between them, and also that he cannot trust Quinn in any shape or form. Kimo’s still likely saving Rubina over Angela if he wins the AI Arena, but we hardly fault her for trying.
Meanwhile, earlier today Angela spoke with Makensy and Chelsie and within those conversations, she did whatever she could to make her case while also saying she did not know what Leah is going to do with Veto. Makensy and Rubina did also have a talk about a women’s alliance that was (mostly) blocked from the live feeds. They also talked a little bit about Joseph’s recent smack-talk, including him telling Makensy to her face that he wasn’t threatened by her as a strategic player.
(As a sidebar, we do tend to think that Joseph may have gotten the sense from the DR or somewhere that he’s been a little bit rude or blunt, as he’s had his form of an apology tour to Chelsie and other players in the house.)
Related – Be sure to get some more news on the Big Brother 26 live feeds right now
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