Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Is T’kor over Quinn? (day 47)

It has taken a good bit of time in Big Brother 26 to get to where we are, but we’ve made it: The apparent end of the trust T’kor has with Quinn.
To be clear, this is something that has been a long time coming. Quinn’s gone rogue on plenty of things within the Visionaries and she / Kimo have done the same. However, there was an interest in keeping things going … but that was before Quinn nominated the likes of Kimo and Rubina for eviction alongside Angela. Also, she’s still upset about the fact that she was kept out of plans on her Head of Household. This is without even mentioning that Quinn wants to form a new majority alliance that does not include either Kimo and Rubina.
Now, T’kor claims that she wants to call Quinn out after the Veto Ceremony, but we’ll see if that actually happens since most of these players are not that confrontational. Given that Quinn discussed further the potential alliance with her tonight, she could blow that up; however, doing that could make Kimo / Rubina more of a target, and it may also damage things with Chelsie, who T’kor does want to work with despite the fact that Chelsie would cut her whenever she felt like it. (Chelsie’s still running the game.)
While Angela still remains the target for now, Joseph continues to get himself in more and more trouble. Earlier tonight he told Angela that everyone wants her gone and was blunt / pretty rude in the way he said it. He’s also rubbing people the wrong way by being too cocky and spilling half his game to anyone who will listen. There is going to be more and more of a push the next 24 hours to nominate him. Will that happen? Well, that’s the mystery for now. Leah and Quinn are currently talking, where Quinn is venting on a lot of Joseph frustrations. Since Leah and Joseph have a final two, we wouldn’t be shocked if the info gets back to him.
Angela, while all this is happening tonight, continues to try and gametalk / campaign. She’s not giving up without a fight.
Related – Get more news on Big Brother 26 from earlier
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