Industry season 3 episode 5 spoilers: Who becomes a pawn?

Next weekend is going to bring Industry season 3 episode 5 over to HBO, so what more can be said about the story ahead here?
Well, the craziest thing that they have to remember here is that somehow, we’ve already made it to the halfway point of the story! By virtue of that and that alone, things are destined to get even crazier from here on out and also far more complicated. That is certainly going to be true for people like Yasmin and Eric, but let’s not forget Harper or Robert at the same time. As a matter of fact, the next episode for Robert could be the most difficult one yet, mostly given the fact that he has to deal with being a potential piece in a far larger game by the local government.
Want to get a lot more info on what’s to come? Then go ahead and check out the full Industry season 3 episode 5 synopsis right now:
When Robert is called in by a government select committee, he realizes that a few powerful entities want to use him as a pawn in a much larger battle between themselves.
If there is one thing to remember before we get into this episode, it is that Industry does have a great ability to make its characters shift and evolve over a short period of time. Who is to say that Robert’s story will end in a similar place to where it starts in this very episode? We certainly did not expect Harper and Eric to be where they are at this point, and this is the sort of twisty writing the creators seem to love to embrace.
Beyond just what we’re seeing directly on Industry next week, let’s hope that we are also building up now for a season 4. We still want to get news on that before the end of season 3!
What do you most want to see moving into the Industry season 3 episode 5 when it arrives?
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