Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: The true target (day 44)

There are a few things to note in this late afternoon Big Brother 26 update, but let’s start things off with this: We seemingly have an idea of what is going to happen tomorrow night. Of course, this is provided that we have a Makensy / Angela showdown after the AI Arena.
Through multiple conversations, we have seen things go back and forth regarding the target. Yet, it does seem like for now, the plan is actually to get Makensy out. While Tucker has had it out for Angela at times, he does think that if she has nowhere else to go, she could come back. Meanwhile, it seems like this is also where T’kor is leaning, and getting her out was also something that Joseph and Kimo agreed on after a lot of deliberation. If these two, Tucker, and Rubina all vote that way, T’kor could break a tie and Makensy is gone.
Will there really need to be a tie, though? Chelsie wants to vote the right way, but Tucker wants there to be misinformation out there clearly. We also just think he finds great pleasure at owning Quinn and keeping Angela around would make him pretty upset. Joseph continues to have long conversations with Quinn about strategy and the votes, but he told Tucker this afternoon it’s all for show. Is it? Well, we think that Joseph is intentionally playing both sides…
Now, Tucker seems to think that he’s going to be okay if he’s left on the block no matter what … is he? Well, he would have Kimo, Joseph, and Rubina for sure, but that’s where things get a little trickier. He needs either Chelsie, Angela or Makensy (whoever is off the block), Leah, or Cam to support him. It’s not as clear-cut as it may seem, especially since Chelsie is likely to push hard for him to go if he is vulnerable.
For the record…
There is going to be a halfway party tonight that will take the feeds down for at least a little while. Hopefully, it happens during the show itself.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 now, including a few more details from earlier
Who do you think should be the target this week in Big Brother 26?
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