Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: New vote debates (day 44)

After a slower start to day 44, there is some activity now in the Big Brother 26 house when it comes to a particularly clear subject: The state of the vote. What in the world is going to happen at this point?
Well, for starters, let’s just go ahead and say the following here: Tucker seems to be out of the equation as a target for now, at least based on conversations we’ve heard. We do think that Chelsie is worth watching today, though, given that she does want him out. However, other than gassing up Angela and having a conversation with T’kor where she didn’t give much away, she is being cautious. Chelsie’s biggest strength is her social game, and she may understand already that unless someone gives her an opening, there is no real reason to push that at the moment.
Meanwhile, we are seeing conversations unfold as we’re writing this between Joseph and Kimo as to what to do with the vote. They each feel like Angela will not come after them — however, she is also erratic, right? Keeping Makensy may mean keeping someone who is a bit more of a physical threat. However, you may also be able to read her a little bit easier. Tucker seems to want Angela gone at this point after their argument earlier in the week, and that could be a part of the discussions at the same time. (The other problem here is that Quinn doesn’t want Angela around, so getting rid of Makensy would also be a problem for him.)
For the record, T’kor is not really saying who she would actually want gone this week, probably because she does not want much of a target on her moving forward. We do think she needs to be more cautious with Chelsie than she is; while we don’t think Chelsie will go directly after her, she will be invested at chipping away at some of T’kor’s other allies at some point pretty soon. Chelsie is easily the most intriguing player of the next 24 hours, especially if she does make a big push against Tucker.
Related – Is Makensy trying to manipulate Quinn?
Who do you think is the most important player in Big Brother 26 over the course of the next several hours?
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