9-1-1 season 8 promo: The bee tornado is coming…

ABC has released another look ahead at 9-1-1 season 8, and let’s just say that this looks positively insane already! After all, we’re talking about bees here…
If you have watched this first-responder drama over the past few years, then you know already that it loves to start off with these big, absolutely-bonkers events that tend to last over the first few episodes. For season 7, for example, we saw that kick off with the cruise-ship crisis. Now, we are getting what the show is describing as a “bee-nado.”
If you head over to the official show Instagram, you can see a preview for what certainly feels already like the campiest sort of crisis that the series has ever done for the start of a season. Ultimately, though, we’re not altogether worried about how silly a part of the show may appear to be on the surface, mostly because it has never felt like realism is the goal for a lot of this. Instead, it is more about trying to find a way to entertain you with something that feels almost cinematic in scope.
Remember that beyond just what is happening with the bees here, there are some important storylines that could alter the professional future for some of these characters. Bobby Nash, for example, is going to be doing whatever he can to fight for his old job. Meanwhile, Eddie has to wrestle with Christopher moving out and where he wants to be in life. This show has always balanced all of the action with the emotional stories, and we do not think that we are about to see anything different here.
Luckily, we’re going to see the new season kick off in one month’s time. Be prepared…
Related – Be sure to get some more news on the 9-1-1 premiere and what to expect for Eddie
What are you the most eager to see at present when it comes to 9-1-1 season 8, based on the promo?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.