Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Angela finishes her task! (day 41)

We’ve made it now to day 41 in the Big Brother 26 house! While overnight did not necessarily contain the most strategic of conversations, it did bring us what will be one of the cooler moments of the season — and a total rite of passage for a lot of memorable players.
Last year, a lot was made about Izzy and Cameron doing the mud task in the pig costumes — especially since Izzy was so eager about it. Heck, think back to Brittany’s punishment in season 16 where she had to kick all of those soccer balls! That may actually be the most memorable thing about her from that season. This is a really cool thing when you are able to complete it.
Well, just a few hours ago Angela completed her task transferring orbs from a hazmat suit, while also being occasionally decontaminated and covered in gunk. Not everyone watching may be the biggest Angela fan, but she was so game for much of it and there was something totally fun about watching a 50-year old woman stay up all night to complete this. Meanwhile, most of the house was there to cheer her on at the very end, making even a human tunnel for her to go through.
Ironically, Angela may still be nominated after all of this after Cam won the Veto, but that is something that could be figured out later today. T’kor seems to be debating between her and Leah, with Leah being arguably the better choice for protecting her alliance. The only real jeopardy here comes in the event that Tucker does not win the AI Arena and Makensy does — if this happens, Tucker could be evicted given that Leah has a lot of guys wrapped around her finger.
The big person to watch today is Chelsie, who could try hard to push Tucker as a target — or even Quinn. T’kor has a lot of misplaced trust in her and she may be pretty influential over the course of the day.
Related – See some thoughts on Big Brother 26, including some other updates on the feeds from last night
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