Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 6 nomination aftermath

It has now been a good stretch of time since the nomination ceremony within Big Brother 26 — so where are things within the house now? Well, let’s just say that there is a little bit of chaos but in general, a strange feeling when it comes to targets or lack thereof.
After all, T’kor nominated Cam, Makensy, and Tucker for eviction, and it still feels to us like Tucker is her real target. However, she knows that it would make some people mad after she acted like it so instead, she’s just taking a gamble and hoping he loses two straight competitions so that people will decide to send him out. Makensy is the clear cover target and while she’s not pushing it too much, it’s obvious. Makensy has reacted to the nomination mostly by being frustrated that she is considered a threat — that’s a part of why she is up, but the other part is that she just hasn’t connected to anyone socially.
T’kor has barely had a conversation about strategy at all in the limited amount of time the feeds have been up today. It’s hard to know where things stand, but Joseph rather cleverly indicated to her earlier that he wouldn’t want to vote Tucker out. That may be an indicator to her that if she pushes for it, it would be a problem.
Meanwhile, Tucker remains bummed out that he was nominated — he did volunteer, but also said that there are a lot of other candidates and would prefer not to go up again. There is speculation aplenty in the house still about the AI Instigator, and we’ve settled that it is either Tucker or Joseph based on the information they know and how popular they are with America. Joseph continues to try to push the blame elsewhere, even suggesting at one point to Leah that Brooklyn may be the Instigator.
(If you are wondering why Joseph has seemed so anti-Tucker today, we think a lot of it is him wanting to make sure he doesn’t get grouped with him.)
Related – See what the AI Instigator said earlier in Big Brother 26
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