Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 6 Veto players

Who had an opportunity to take part in the Power of Veto Competition today in the Big Brother 26 house? This one will be chaotic — that much feels clear.
After all, consider first and foremost the fact that there is a two-hour episode airing on CBS this Wednesday, and that typically means that the Veto is one of those crazy ones that is throwing a lot of punishments in your direction. For now, we have no real reason to think something different is going on here. This should be a fun day, so plan your schedules accordingly.
Now, with Tucker, Makensy, and Cam on the block, it may be easy to joke that this competition is just about who is going to lose to Tucker next … but some of these competitions can be random. No win for him is guaranteed. We just know that he is now competing for the Veto alongside the nominees and Head of Household T’kor: Joseph and Angela. Joseph was apparently picked by Cam when he got Houseguest’s Choice, which is mostly funny in that he should have chose Chelsie.
In other interesting news, Joseph is already acting as though Tucker is safe to T’kor if he wins — we honestly think Joseph knows T’kor actually wants to target Tucker and is daring her to take the bait a little bit. This is a guy who loves to set up targets. He’s also currently venting about Chelsie to Quinn, mostly in that T’kor would do almost anything to protect her even though Chelsie has not shown anywhere near the same support her way. T’kor’s biggest game flaw is that she feels somewhat inflexible in that she wants to work with the people she likes the best as opposed to those who are trying to protect her the most game-wise. Even if she did get out Tucker this week, it could be seen as a big betrayal and it will make the target on her so much bigger — especially since her and Kimo are an obvious duo.
Related – See more Big Brother 26 updates from last night
What do you want to see happen within today’s Big Brother 26 Veto Competition?
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