Big Brother 26: Why are the live feeds down, August 23?

What is going on within the Big Brother 26 house this morning? Well, that’s a good question — a lot of it is blocked from us.
If you missed at least some of the news last night, T’kor had won Head of Household. In between crying and/or acting like she had already won the game, Tucker did offer himself to be a pawn for her but also noted that he personally didn’t want to. He just thought it was fair since he did it for other people. He could be nominated alongside Cam and Makensy and if we had to go full-on conspiracy, we tend to think T’kor actually wants Tucker out this week but can’t admit to it since a lot of her allies want to keep him. Nominating Cam does mean another physical player is taking part in the Veto.
Now, let’s get back to the feeds. There is a chance that the outage is due to the AI Instigator twist, which is going to be a part of the Sunday episode. However, there is also speculation that it may be due to punishment and/or possible expulsion over some offensive comments made off-feeds. This is something that we want to tread carefully on until there is official word on it from CBS (if that is what’s happening), but there was a conversation shown between Rubina and T’kor that suggested that someone may have said something inappropriate in regards to race, and that Chelsie was crying over it. We know what happened last season regarding Luke’s expulsion, but there was a lot more clarity in regards to that situation.
As we said, we’ll be back later to break this down further. In the event that someone is expelled, this is so early in the week that we would assume the show proceeds as usual and then alters a plan for later on this season — such as getting rid of a double eviction or a short week.
Related – Read more on the fallout of T’kor’s Head of Household win
For now, we will assume the nomination ceremony will be later today; we will let you know if that changes.