Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 video: Finding light

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2
Photo: Prime Video

As we get prepared for the launch of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 later this month, we know one of the focuses. A lot of the first season was about getting to know the heroes and now, the focus could shift ever so slightly. To be specific, we will be moving things over to the villains for their side of the story … to a certain extent.

After all, Sauron is now unleashed, and he is not the only problem coursing through Middle-earth. We obviously know to a certain extent where some of this story is going, so how will the other characters withstand the dark forces at play here? Well, let’s just say this is the focus for another new preview.

If you head over to this link, you can see another look at The Rings of Power season 2 that is all about characters trying to find some trace of the light amidst the darkest of places. We know that this is not an easy thing to do for some of them — especially for someone like Galadriel, who could be spending a significant part of the upcoming season in a major era of self-loathing. After all, this is someone who may blame herself fully for some of what happened with Sauron already.

What the producers’ goal may be moving into the second season is simply just balancing out tones. There are most likely going to be moments where it seems like the odds of stopping Sauron are pretty darn low. Yet, these may be counteracted with others that make you a little more hopeful in the future. This could end up being a big part of what makes this season fun to watch!

Related Check out more news on Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power right away, including another trailer

What are you most eager to see moving into The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2?

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