Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: T’kor, Kimo make a decision!

After hours upon hours of waiting and speculation, do we actually have an answer as to what could happen in the Big Brother 26 house tonight?
Well, in a way a lot of the strategy is much ado about nothing. As we have noted in prior updates, there is a good chance that Makensy gets evicted in the event she does not win the AI Arena. Yet, she’s physical enough that she stands a good chance of winning depending on what exactly it is, and that is something to consider.
The headline as of right now is the ever-indecisive T’kor and Kimo finally deciding what to do in the event that Rubina and Cedric are on the block together — they want to take out Cedric! There are a lot of reasons for it, but they settled this morning on doing this because they feel completely slightly and ignored by the Pentagon and much of the Collective. Granted, they could’ve spoken out against Rubina being on the block in the first place, but they are where they are now and there is no avoiding that. Also, they are mad at Chelsie for contemplating getting rid of Rubina even with her being against Makensy.
Is this the right move for the two of them? Well, we do think that there’s a reasonably good chance of that, all things considered. They never felt loved enough by the Pentagon, and they have a better chance of winning making their own moves. The one downside here is that the move could ruffle some feathers with Quinn, but Quinn brought this on himself telling Kimo about his power and not T’kor.
Will they be able to pull this off?
As of right now, yes — however, there’s still time before the eviction. It’s also worth noting that there’s only a one-in-three chance that this eviction scenario even plays out.
Related – Get more news when it comes to Big Brother 26 right now
Do you think that Cedric could be evicted from the Big Brother 26 house tonight?
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