Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Quinn cannot vote for eviction!

It has taken a long time for certain details to become clear in the Big Brother 26 house, especially when it comes to Quinn’s Deep Fake HoH power.
Well, let’s just say that we have a little bit more information about it at this particular point in time, and it may be bad news for the guy’s game … at least to a certain extent. As confirmed further on the feeds late this afternoon / early tonight, he actually cannot cast a vote in the eviction. This means there are nine people voting as opposed to ten, given that Angela cannot vote as Head of Household.
One of the craziest things about all of this is rather simple: Has Quinn been lying to everyone before today, or did he actually just find out he couldn’t vote? Did he ask this question previously? It is totally bizarre that we are just learning this a day before the eviction.
Now, here is why this probably does not change too much. If Tucker wants to make a big move this week and take out Cedric, it is going to still take five votes. The only thing that changes is that there would be no need for a tiebreaker anymore — and granted, Cedric could be safe due to the AI Arena in the first place. This is what makes a pretty crazy day in campaigning pretty darn moot at the end of the day.
Where do things stand for now?
Honestly, it is still a little big up in the air. Nothing is super clear at the moment, and we tend to think that Makensy is the most likely evicted just because the showdown between her and Rubina is the most likely. If Cedric is up on the block, there’s a chance he goes if Tucker, T’kor, Kimo, Leah, and either Makensy or Rubina with them. Heck, you never know with Joseph!
Related – Talk out some more Big Brother 26 voting scenarios for the week!
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