Evil season 4 episode 14 (series finale): Everything is connected?

As you prepare to see Evil season 4 episode 14 over on Paramount+, there is absolutely a lot of different things to be excited about. This is the series finale, and of course we imagine that we’re going to have a chance to see emotional moments aplenty.
Yet, at the same time, you also do have to remember that there are a lot of stories that need to be resolved here. Take, for starters, what’s going on with the demonic houses. Or, are we ever going to fully understand the entity? Is there a going to be a chance to see something big with David and Kristen?
Speaking to TV Insider, Aasif Mandvi indicated that within this final episode, “there will be some nice bumps, twists, and surprises along the way that I think the audience will really appreciate … There’s a way in which all the cases that that they’ve been tracking over the course of the show exist under a kind of an interesting kind of umbrella that they realize is all sort of connected.”
In the end, we don’t necessarily think that this finale is going to be one where every single question in the history of the show gets answered. Also, we don’t really think that this was ever meant to be the primary purpose of this show. Evil has really been more about asking questions and allowing viewers to think with more specificity about their own lives and their relationship with religion. Looking at all of these different things is some of what the show does better than almost anyone.
(Of course, we do still want there to be a season 5 — let’s not get that twisted.)
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Evil, including other hints and teases on the finale
What do you think we are going to see moving into Evil season 4 episode 14 when it airs on Paramount+?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.