Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Is a flip actually happening?

If you were hoping to see some sort of massive flip happen today in the Big Brother 26 house, dare we say mission accomplished?
Well, we should start off here by noting that in general, there are a lot of things still up in the air. However, we can say without question that this is strategically the most interesting day of the season. At this point, it honestly feels like Cedric, Makensy, or Rubina could end up being evicted based on what transpires, but a lot of the discussions today have cemented further that the house could be split moving forward, really no matter what happens.
Remember how we said early today that T’kor and Kimo are in the driver’s seat when it comes to making a move? Well, we tend to think that they’ve back themselves into a corner with how passive and indecisive they’ve been. After a series of private meetings today it could be blatantly obvious to everyone that they are debating what to do, and they may have been better off just deciding to evict Cedric if he remains on the block at the start of the day. Brooklyn and Chelsie are already second-guessing where they stand.
Speaking of Brooklyn, Kimo has already blown up some of her spot by telling Rubina that she doesn’t have Brooklyn’s vote to stay. That caused even more chaos and after Tucker also heard from Angela about the Collective, he has less reason to trust the people in that group, as well. Joseph already seems aware that he, Kimo, and T’kor are at the bottom if they stick around the Pentagon, and that could make things even more chaotic around the vote. Joseph is starting to see value in Tucker, and clearly so is Kimo. T’kor, meanwhile, is more hesitant.
In general, what we are seeing this week is a group of players struggling to find a consensus on anything, and we know that unanimous votes are what players love most of the time. We’re not sure that Cedric ends up going just because legitimate flips are hard to pull off but at this point, T’kor and Kimo should be ready to make it happen if he is vulnerable. Otherwise, they’ve lost trust anyone and if they get rid of Makensy or Rubina, they’ve lost someone who would not go after them.
Related – See more coverage from the Big Brother 26 live feeds earlier today
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