Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: The pivotal Quinn meeting

We’re entering the afternoon of day 30 within the Big Brother 26 house, and of course we wish there was a lot of major headlines.
So, where should we start here? Well, with a lot of eye-rolls and standing around. The more that there are conversations, the more frustrating the game becomes. Quinn claims that T’kor and Kimo are where his true allegiance lies, but it never feels like they are fully on the same page. What works for him does not work for the two of them, mostly because he refuses to do anything with Tucker and feels like Brooklyn is this super-valuable person to have on his side.
At this point, it feels clear to us that Kimo is ready to at least entertain the idea of sending Cedric home over either Makensy or Rubina, should the opportunity present itself. He is fine to work with Tucker and he has something more going with Rubina. However, we tend to think that Quinn will keep that from happening — mostly because Quinn still has the Pentagon and he obviously does not want to cut ties with them too early. The most frustrating thing about the conversations with these three is that T’kor and Kimo are aware that the Pentagon is a thing and yet, they aren’t trying to actively blow that up or do anything about it. Quinn clearly wants to protect that a little while longer.
As a counter to working with Tucker, Quinn is willing to basically entertain the idea of a one-week cease-fire to get Angela out of the game, something that helps him but does not help T’kor and Kimo at all. Quinn also went and told Brooklyn about at least some of the conversation, and he is as of this writing chatting to Joseph about wanting to backdoor Tucker, or at least thinking about the temporary ceasefire to look at Angela instead.
The big takeaway from the morning
T’kor and Kimo really accomplished nothing and if they want to get out Cedric, they have to make the move without Quinn involved. Quinn is way too blinded by his distaste for Tucker and could at least be entertaining the idea more publicly and hating it privately. Meanwhile, T’kor and Kimo continue to keep from Quinn that Leah can’t stand him on a person level, even though it could cause him to re-think aspects of his game.
In other words, everything remains a mess.
Related – Get more coverage now of the state of the Big Brother 26 live feeds
Do you think T’kor and Kimo will make a move on Big Brother 26 without Quinn?
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