Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: The T’kor & Kimo problem (day 30)

Welcome to day 30 within the Big Brother 26 house! This could actually end up being a really interesting day, but a lot comes down to one simple question: When are T’kor and Kimo going to actually decide to make a move?
For now, these two have been among the most passive players in the history of the show. We like them, but what makes them frustrating is that they are aware of a lot of what is happening in the house and instead of actively trying to change the game, they seem to be content with just going with the flow and where the numbers are. Yet, they also seem to be becoming more and more aware that if they don’t do something, they will be viewed as coasters who don’t have much of a chance of winning.
Of the two, Kimo in particular seems to be the one most eager to do something, including flip on the Collective and take out Cedric if the opportunity presents itself. He and T’kor both do seem to know they are on the bottom of that group, and that’s without even noting they are aware of the Pentagon. Kimo has gotten close to Tucker, who is obviously influencing him as well.
So why wouldn’t this happen? Well, they are worried about blowback and in particular, T’kor and Kimo want to get Quinn roped in to something new. However, Quinn has zero interest in working with Tucker at all. So with all of this in mind, it still feels like they are going to be too hesitant and/or afraid to make something happen this week. Really, they are in a situation where all they would need is Leah, Tucker, and Makensy to send out Cedric if he is on the block versus Rubina — remember here that Angela breaks the tie. Replace Makensy with Rubina, and they could do the same thing if it is Makensy versus Cedric. The options are there, but this aforementioned duo is the key to just about everything.
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