Big Brother 26: What is the AI Instigator?

We new that at some point during tonight’s Big Brother 26 episode, we were going to learn about a new twist: Enter the AI Instigator.
So, what will this be? Well, Ainsley did not exactly reveal a ton over the course of the episode, save for the fact that it is going to be something that we learn more about during Thursday’s new installment. America is voting on it, and this will be something that impacts the game on a certain level.
If we had to make some sort of broad assumption on this right now, it would be by saying that this twist will turn someone into almost a Saboteur where they have a chance to better mess around with other people and their games. Maybe they can nominate one person, or force certain people to face punishments. We don’t need for it to be game-altering as much as we do just allow us to have an even better time.
The funniest thing about the AI Instigator twist being introduced tonight is that the producers basically made us sit through an entire episode just to learn the name of something, and not even anything when it comes to what the twist actually does. That’s hilarious and brutal at the same time. This was a bona-fide clip show otherwise.
The only thing we hope
Well, let’s make that pretty simple: That we aren’t going to be getting something that is altogether powerful on the level of the Deep Fake HoH. This is not a game that works amazingly when the public has a huge say, given that it causes the players themselves to start to play towards cameras and it can take away from the general authenticity of what we actually see.
Related – Check out some more news on Big Brother 26, including the latest on the live feeds
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