Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: A look at Hawaii

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Photo: HBO

The August 11 episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver delivered of course some discussion about the election; yet, also a critical segment on Hawaii.

After all, it was around one year ago that there were massive wildfires in Maui that caused unspeakable damage; however, what has actually been done to better the community since? This is a situation that has been somewhat swept under the rug by everything going on in the election and in other parts of the world.

Obviously, a big focus on the segment was the adverse effect that tourism has had on the island — not just now, but in the entire history of the islands. There is a LOT of history that is never taught in schools about where things stood for it prior to it becoming a state — which, all things considered, was not that long ago. He also went further into the military history there and its strategic location.

Were there some funny moments throughout? As per usual, the answer here is yes as he made jokes about Tom Selleck, the show’s success thanks to House of the Dragon, and a whole lot more. Yet, this actually may be one of the most informative segments of the entire season for a number of reasons. This is a place that is not all that big and yet, land is being used up for a number of reasons and locals are struggling under the weight of a tourism industry where guests are almost always the priority. That is a rather hard thing to deal with for the most part.

For some reason, John Oliver talking geography and/or states and territories is one of our favorite versions of him. If you were not aware, he has done some really fantastic pieces in the past on voting rights in territories, plus a special piece all about Puerto Rico and where things stand.

What do you think about the Last Week Tonight with John Oliver segment all about Hawaii?

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