Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 4 Veto Ceremony preview

Entering the Big Brother 26 Veto Ceremony this afternoon, there is really one question we had to wonder: What will Tucker do?
Over the past 24 hours, we absolutely did think that he wanted to create some chaos and confusion as to whether he’d use it — and if he did, if he would play it on himself or on Makensy. Personally, we think that he will ultimately use it on himself and call it a day — and that is echoed through some of what we’ve actually seen in the house.
Based on everything yesterday, it is abundantly clear that Tucker’s final two is Angela, and they formalized something (minus a name, of course) last night. He made it clear that he was able to pull it off last week but doesn’t want to tempt fate again, but he’s clearly had a good time convincing Quinn and others that he may not use it at all. Rubina knows she will be going up and for now, she’s okay with it.
The real problem Tucker faces right now is that he’s deluded himself into thinking that Cedric will be heading out. As entertaining as he is as a player, he has no real idea of the actual pulse of the house. Angela is a little more aware, but she’s also somewhat in the dark. If Rubina is there after the AI Arena versus Makensy, she has a decent chance of staying. If it is her versus Cedric, then Rubina is dependent on T’kor and Kimo making a big move far earlier than they probably want to make it. (Based on how they’ve played so far, we’re not sure they want to make any move at all.)
We do think that there will be at least some humor that comes out of what happens this afternoon, but Tucker needs to let things happen organically. If he pushes too much, it could come back to bite him.
Related – Check out some more news when it comes to Big Brother 27 now, including other live-feed updates
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